Friday, September 27, 2013

William John Kennedy: WARHOL LOVE INDIANA

William John Kennedy: WARHOL LOVE INDIANA at Steven Kasher Gallery in NYC. "...Kennedy’s images capture the two artists and their soon-to-be iconic works at the birth of their careers and the birth of the Pop Art movement. The young artists are portrayed as both playful and serious, and even prescient of their future fame. Kennedy produced one of the few images of Warhol and Indiana together. He captured Indiana in his studio with his first LOVE painting. Kennedy’s photographs of Warhol are unique in their portrayal of the artist interacting with his paintings in a year that he produced more masterpieces than any other year: Marilyn, Liz, Jackie, Most Wanted, Elvis, Race Riot, Early Self, and Flowers, to name a few. It was Warhol’s second year making films, the year of Blow Job, Empire, Eat (starring Indiana) and the first Screen Tests. Kennedy’s insight was to reveal Warhol and Indiana in performance with their signature artworks."


  1. تقدم شركة الاهرام بلاست أفضل أنواع خزانات المياه خزان بلاستيك لقد رأينا مؤخرًا هذا النوع من الخزانات في كثير من المنازل وأصبح منتشرًا جدًا ، لأنه لا يتفاعل مع الماء ، ويمنع تلوثه ، كما أنه مصنوع من مواد مقاومة للرطوبة ، حيث يعتبر واحدة من أكثرها أمانًا. أنواع لصحة الإنسان.
