Sunday, July 31, 2005
Shaolin Invincible Guys (1978, Export Theatrical Trailer, wmv video 01:30) and Sister Street Fighter (1974, U.S. Theatrical Trailer, wmv video 02:35). From Shaolin Chamber - Asian Cinematic Treasures Revisited.
The Jamaica Ska
Annette Funicello... The Jamaica Ska (RealAudio 02:20). From the album Annette at Bikini Beach (1964, Buena Vista BV-3324, Buena Vista STER-3324). Miss mouse-ears with her cover of Prince Buster's Ska, Ska, Ska. From The Soul Club, which offers up a massive amount of better tracks... like Let's Twine by Dee Dee Sharp (RealAudio 02:24).
Mysteries and Miracles

Mysteries and Miracles: Folk Art from Northeast Brazil. Wood-cut prints by José Francisco Borges, Ivan Borges, Severino Borges, José Miguel da Silva, Marcelo Soares, Abrao Batista and others from Pernambuco, Brazil. From Indigo Arts Gallery in Philadelphia, PA.
Tupelo Hardware Company, Inc
Tupelo Hardware Company, Inc... Where Gladys bought her son his first guitar. "...Gladys Presley brought her son Elvis to Tupelo Hardware in January 1945 to buy him a birthday present. According to Mr. Bobo, Elvis would have preferred a rifle, but his mother succeeded in buying a guitar instead. The boy strummed the new guitar for a while, before his mother paid $7.75 and a 2% sales tax." More about Elvis' 1940s Kay Guitar from The Performance Guitars of Elvis Presley.
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Because Of Love
Because Of Love... done by Billy Fury (RealAudio 02:34) and Elvis Presley (RealAudio 02:30). From Billy Fury: The Story.
David Douglas Duncan

Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Hobo Bill's Last Ride
Grandpa Jones... Hobo Bill's Last Ride (RealAudio 02:42). Originally recorded in 1929 by Jimmie Rodgers. Covered by many.
He Is The Superstar
The Clicks... He Is The Superstar (Flash Video). The Clicks pretty much rock! And Yuko plays a Mosrite.
Monday, July 25, 2005
Liza Jane
The Apples in Stereo... Liza Jane (.mp3 audio 03:12). Cover of the Bruce Haack track found on Dimension Mix - the music of Bruce Haack, Esther Nelson and Dimension 5, to be released next month.
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Chikyu - Version Cornerstone
Tetsuniques... Chikyu - Version Cornerstone (flash video). Neat rock-steady tune. They run a few lines from some Treasure Isle classics, as well. From Tetsuniques. (jp)
Daisy K. Smith (updated)

Daisy K. Smith (updated). From AnamorFose - photo gallery of vintage prints and antique photographs for art photo collectors.
Friday, July 22, 2005
It's Supercar!
It's Supercar! A fabulous brochure for the 1968 Mazda 110S drawn by Japanese pop artist Tadanori Yokoo.
Estoy Cansado (I'm Over)
Micky y Los Tonys... Estoy Cansado (I'm Over) (RealAudio 02:17). Novola 1965. From the Spanish pop film Megaton Ye-Ye.
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Ven Conmigo
The Finder's... Ven Conmigo (RealAudio 02:54). Spanish version of "Sock It To Me, Baby" released by Marfer Records in 1967. Very Cool. From Beat Behind The Dykes.
Elizabeth Huey
Works by Elizabeth Huey. Also... Elizabeth Huey at Feigen Contemporary. "...Elizabeth Huey, who studied at the New York Studio School and received her M.F.A. from Yale in 2002, paints dream-like narratives of emblematic characters in psychological scenarios and ubiquitous landscape settings. Heroines, a dominatrix, bystanders, and angels share a mythological forest as electronic devices constantly monitor. The innocence of nature and the nature of innocence are interrupted by the architecture of social control and the presence of a home, a church or an institution stationed nearby."
La Poupée
Hans Bellmer... La Poupée (1935, Vintage gelatin silver print). From Ubu Gallery at Art | 36 | Basel, June 15–20, 2005.
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Die 20er Jahre

Die 20er Jahre. "...Die 20er Jahre waren eine ereignisreiche Zeit.
Es war die Zeit, als die Friedensverträge die internationalen Beziehungen ebensosehr schädigten wie der Krieg zuvor. Es war die Zeit, als in Deutschland die Leute ihre Wände mit Geldscheinen tapezierten, weil sie weniger wert waren als die Tapeten. Es war die Zeit des Börsencrashs 1929 in New York. Es war die Zeit, als die kolonialisierten Länder zu hoffen begannen, bald von jeglicher europäischen Herrschaft befreit zu werden." (ch)
Look Out (Here Comes Tomorrow)
Groovie Ghoulies... Look Out (Here Comes Tomorrow) (.mp3 audio 02:06). Cover of the 1966 Monkees track, penned by Neil Diamond.
The Neighbors
Square America 3... The Neighbors. From Square America - A gallery of vintage snapshots & vernacular photography. Brilliant!
Get Off The Telephone
The Kicks... Get Off The Telephone (.mp3 audio 02:40). Re-issued by 1977. From The Mod Pop Punk Archives.
Got To Have Pop

The Moderns... Got To Have Pop (RealAudio 02:47). From 1977 Records. "...1977 Records was started in 1992 by DJ Lodio (Nobutada Yaita), of the critically acclaimed, pioneering Tokyo club night London Nite, and began life as a mail-order recordings distribution service. In 1999, 1977 Records moved to the Dojunkai building in Harujuku, hub of Tokyo's fashion district, where it operated as a record shop under an eighteen month license. 1977 Records took its first steps as a label in December 2000, concentrating on the repressing and re-releasing (all above board, of course!) of `70's Punk, Mods & Power-Pop, with 35 quality releases firmly under its belt to date. (jp)
Also... don't miss "That Late '70s Show" at Radio Rumpus Room. "...If the British Invasion revived rock from its national doldrums in the early '60s, it was punk and new wave that shook it from its Bicentennial-era slumber."
Monday, July 18, 2005
Winter Soldiers
Winter Soldiers: The Story of a Conspiracy Against the Schools (published by the Committee for Defense of Public Education in 1941, with text by Louis Lerman and forward by Franz Boas). "...Emerging from the carnage of World War I, and the economic upheaval of the Depression years, by the late 1930s both fascism and anti-Semitism were on the rise in Germany; in Franco's Spain, the Civil War pitted Fascists against Republicans, and in America, Father Coughlin and the Christian Front spewed what we would call today, 'hate speech' against Catholics, Jews, immigrants, Negros and Communists. To speak out against fascism, to be a voice for progressive values like worker's rights, equality, social justice and peace, was to become a target for an anti-Communist witch hunt a generation before Joseph McCarthy asked people to 'name names'.
This book is a chronicle of one such hunt, by the Rapp-Coudert Committee between 1940 and 1942, looking for 'subversives' in New York State schools and colleges. Lives and reputations were ruined; one man went to jail for not naming names."
This book is a chronicle of one such hunt, by the Rapp-Coudert Committee between 1940 and 1942, looking for 'subversives' in New York State schools and colleges. Lives and reputations were ruined; one man went to jail for not naming names."
Don't Go Out Into The Rain (You're Going To Melt)
Groovie Ghoulies... Don't Go Out Into The Rain (You're Going To Melt) (.wmv video 02:01). Great! You can't go wrong with a Mosrite.
Nichts hören, nichts sagen, nichts sehen, nichts riechen

Blalla W. Hallmann... Bild im trostlosen "modernen" Stil: Nichts hören, nichts sagen, nichts sehen, nichts riechen. (Picture in a Bleak "Modern" Style: Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil, See No Evil, Smell No Evil. 1981, Tempera/mixed technic on beaver board). From Works by Blalla W. Hallmann at Galerie Yperit in Prague. Photography, photomontage, collage, paintings, and more.
Uptown Top Ranking
Scout Niblett... Uptown Top Ranking (.mp3 audio 02:47). Very cool minimalist cover of the reggae classic - originally a hit on the UK pop charts in 1978 by Althea & Donna. From Secretly Canadian.
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Béla Szandelszky... Transnistria. "...Forget Cuba. There is only one place left in the world where you can experience Soviet-style communism as it really was: Transnistria. It's a rebel republic wedged between the former Soviet states of Moldova and Ukraine, cut off from the Black Sea by a slither of Ukrainian territory. Since it broke away from Moldova after brief but fierce fighting in 1992, time has stood still: Statues of Lenin dominate Transnistria unrecognised capital, Tiraspol, and its rubber-stamp parliament is still called the Supreme Soviet."
People I Don't Know
Lens Culture... People I Don't Know - photos and text by Aline Smithson. "...I have been fascinated with found photographs for a long time. For 25 years, I have collected photographs found on the ground. Recently I have been drawn to more formal portraits culled from dusty cardboard boxes in thrift stores or ratty suitcases at flea markets."
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Stuckism Photography
Stuckism Photography. "...The Stuckist Photographers were founded in December 2003 by Larry Dunstan and Andy Bullock."
Charlie and Junior
Charlie Feathers and Junior Kimbrough... Release Me (And Let Me Love Again) (.mp3 audio 05:21). Recorded in 1969. Junior taught Charlie to play the guitar. Charlie is the patron saint of gmtPlus9.
Sunday, July 10, 2005
The Young Pennsylvanians... Happyville (.mp3 audio 02:31). You gotta love a Japanese beat band that covers The Outsiders, "...The loudest, toughest and most exciting band in The Netherlands in the sixties." From The Incredible Sound of... The Young Pennsylvanians.
From Shell to Symbol

From Shell to Symbol: Art of the Ethnic Easter Egg. "...Decorated eggs have ancient origins. For thousands of years, eggs have served as symbols of new life and renewal. Throughout much of Europe, eggs were decorated and given as gifts in festivals celebrating the return of the sun in the spring. With the onset of Christianity, Easter religious celebrations absorbed these ancient customs. Made from actual chicken and goose eggs, the delicate objects are hand-decorated with elaborate, richly symbolic designs. They represent the work of four Wisconsin artists sustaining their ethnic and religious traditions."
Luo Brothers

Thursday, July 07, 2005
Photographs from the Berea Children's Home
Photographs from the Berea Children's Home, 1864-1959. "...In 1864, the German Methodist Episcopal Church founded the German Methodist Orphan Asylum to shelter Civil War orphans. Known today as the Berea Children's Home, they serve children and youth needing specialized therapeutic programs. These 100 photographs from the Berea Children's Home and Berea Historical Society document the home's first 100 years of caring for neglected, dependent and abandoned children." From The Cleveland Memory Project.

From Horses to Horsepower: Studebaker Helped Move a Nation. "...Studebaker's long standing commitment to quality and value made it one of the automotive giants prior to the Great Depression, often being among the first manufacturers to introduce new technology or safety features, such as four-wheel hydraulic brakes in 1925. Barely surviving the 1930s, Studebaker resumed its innovative heritage with some of the first new designs to follow World War II. Postwar Studebaker automobiles, largely due to their association with Raymond Loewy, are still considered to be classics of modern industrial design."
Are You Lonesome Tonight?
The Carter Family... Are You Lonesome Tonight? (1936 DECCA 5240 61130-A, RealAudio 02:55). Also... a version from 1927 by Henry Burr (VICTOR 20873 39941, RealAudio 03:26).
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Ten-pocket. "...While wearing a mask he is fearless and violent. But the reality is, he is a timid student, having failed a school for 3 years now." From The Jingi - Japanese Ninkyo Spirit by Dehara. "...They are known as Japanese mafia - the new type of Yakuza who does not belong to any organization or honor a pledge."