Sunday, October 09, 2005

George Widener

Month of Sundays George Widener... Month of Sundays (Ink on stained napkins). "...30 years of Sundays in the 23rd century. George remembers his grandma saying about people who move slowly, 'it takes a month of Sundays.'" From Works by George Widener. Also... More about George Widener at the Savant Syndrome Pages of the Wisconsin Medical Society. "...George was born in Cincinnati, Ohio in 1962. He showed clear signs of autism as well as giftedness as a child. However a combination of growing up in a poor, multi-racial Appalachian family and the public lack of understanding of autism (in this case high-functioning autism known as Asperger's Disorder) in the 1960's allowed him to remain undiagnosed until he was into adulthood. As a result, George spent years living hand to mouth, often working 'day labor' jobs and staying in homeless shelters. He also spent his time in libraries reading and making his drawings. George has thousands of specific historical trivia and facts in his memory, often strange and even tragic details which he finds obsessively fascinating."


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