If you would be interested in selling your Firestone Vagabond Bicycle please email me at tcplus3@hotmail.com. I had one of these as a kid in a different color and would like to buy another one. Thanks, William
hi, i just restored two of these for my mother and father in law!!! we have never seen one in original condition! would you please contact me if you'd be willing to take pic's. i am looking for details about the headbage and the vagabond decal! thanks! mark. pinebox9@hotmail.com
If you would be interested in selling your Firestone Vagabond Bicycle please email me at tcplus3@hotmail.com. I had one of these as a kid in a different color and would like to buy another one.
Thanks, William
hi, i just restored two of these for my mother and father in law!!! we have never seen one in original condition! would you please contact me if you'd be willing to take pic's. i am looking for details about the headbage and the vagabond decal! thanks! mark.
I have one in original condition, except mine is more of a dark gold color... I heard that they gave these away with a set of tires?
I got this bike from a friend, and by looking at your bike. I want to restore it to origianl instead of a Rad Rod.
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