Monday, April 27, 2009

Olivier Blanckart - Coming Home (pauvre France)

Olivier Blanckart - Coming Home (pauvre France) at Aeroplastics Contemporary. "...Blanckart takes as starting point these images that have become popular icons. Icons whose original content has been lost for the viewer and that the artist then (a)mends, as it were. To accomplish this, he uses recuperated materials: kraft paper, adhesive tape, cardboard, etc. All these worthless materials, generally serving just to wrap and protect things, here are fashioned and sculpted to become themselves the true and valued oeuvre. And it is the very ambivalence of this materials, at once playing the cards of realism and the grotesque, that allows the innate story of the image - now in 3D volumes - to re-emerge." More... Works by Olivier Blanckart.


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