Friday, September 03, 2010

Exploring the Eclectic Harold Gauer Collection

Exploring the Eclectic Harold Gauer Collection at the WHS. "...Trying to explain the images in the Harold Gauer Collection and give them historical context is a difficult proposition. Harold Gauer was a unique individual involved in a such a wide variety of Milwaukee life and events that the collection thoroughly defies being categorized. The collection contains everything from photo shoots with prominent politicians and elaborate costume parties to images of Gauer's work with international aid organization CARE (Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere). Other gems in the collection run the gamut from surreal collages of text and images to capturing numerous whimsical experiments with spirit gum and false noses to mildly bawdy snapshots of his friends' wives. The images presented in the Gauer collection are consistent only in their giddy inconsistencies."


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