Thursday, September 29, 2005
John Lee Hooker... Mustang Sally Bought A GTO (RealAudio 02:23). Also... All Rise for the Judge (.wmv video 01:05) - a commercial for the 1969 Pontiac GTO 'The Judge' featuring Paul Revere and the Raiders. From the Pontiac Power Page.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
A Snowball in Hell

Stephan Vanfleteren
Stephan Vanfleteren... Poverty in Belgium. "...In First World countries, the new forms of poverty are caused less by material need than by an absence of human contact, by loneliness and isolation. Those who are most at risk are people who are unable to adapt to the constraints of an ever more rationalized working world." From Stephan Vanfleteren Photography.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Hana Purkrábková

Miss Naomi's Erotic Art
Miss Naomi's Erotic Art. "...At the age of 70, Naomi Wilzig (aka 'Miss Naomi') owns the largest collection of erotic art in the United States. She began her collection in 1991, after her son asked her to find him a piece of erotic art. Miss Naomi's collection has since grown to be the second largest in the world, with over 4000 pieces crammed mainly into her home."
Monday, September 26, 2005
What Am I Supposed To Do
Ann-Margret... What Am I Supposed To Do (RealAudio 02:50). Penned by Anita Carter.
Sue Coe at Galerie St. Etienne
Sue Coe... Untitled (The Last Drowning Sheep) (2002, Graphite, gouache and watercolor on white Strathmore Bristol board, mounted on heavy off-white textured paper, Page 7 from Ghost Sheep. Reproduced in Blab! No. 13, Autumn 2002, p. 61). From the exhibit Sue Coe: Sheep of Fools, September 20, 2005 - November 5, 2005 at Galerie St. Etienne in New York, NY. "...Sheep of Fools (a pun on Sebastian Brant's fifteenth-century catalogue of human vices, Ship of Fools) is Coe's third cohesive body of work devoted to animal subject matter. Her first and to date most extensive such series was Porkopolis, encompassing a ten-year investigation of factory farms and slaughterhouses. Beginning with pigs but eventually expanding to include cows, goats, sheep and poultry, this series was published in 1996 under the title Dead Meat. Coe's adoption of an abandoned pit bull helped inspire her next book, Pit's Letter (2000), a novella about vivisection that traced various connections between human and animal abuse. Sheep of Fools is a direct outgrowth of Coe's two preceding series."
Sunday, September 25, 2005
An Air of Abstraction: Aerial photographs of the WWI Battlefields in France

Monk and Coltrane
Thelonious Monk Quartet with John Coltrane... Evidence (.wma audio 04:41). Live at Carnegie Hall, November 29, 1957.
The House of Gaijin-San
Yutaka Otsuka... The House of Gaijin-San. "...Visiting guesthouses around Tokyo, I've taken photos of rooms and residents there. I put together what they talked and pictures, and made a book on each guesthouse. There are ten books so far and each of them is composed of approximately forty pages including pictures and text."
Beijing 2004
Mick Feuerbacher... Beijing 2004. "...The series 'Beijing 2004' is a collection of street photos and portraits taken during a trip to China in May 2004. All images were taken with Leica M6 and M4p cameras with and 35mm and 21mm lenses." From Mick Feuerbacher Photography.
BOOK. "...For thirty-six weeks covering a total of 60,000 miles, a sketchbook was sent between the four artists of OAR, a collective comprising Mac Premo and Duke Riley of Brooklyn, New York, and Oliver Jeffers and Rory Jeffers of Belfast, Northern Ireland. The result is book, an intimate look at transatlantic friendship and an examination of the gap between intention and interpretation. book will be on view from September 9 through October 9 at 15 Nassau Street in Downtown Manhattan. The exhibition is co-presented by Lower Manhattan Cultural Council as part of the program, What Comes After: Cities, Art and Recovery."
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Don't Let The Stars Get In Your Eyes
Skeets McDonald... Don't Let The Stars Get In Your Eyes (1952, Capitol F2216, RealAudio 02:40). Also... a version by Perry Como (RealAudio 02:39) and Ray Price (RealAudio 02:43).
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
The Last Days of the Race Track
Tamás Dezso... The Last Days of the Race Track at the Mai Manó Gallery of the Hungarian House of Photography. "...When it was opened in 1933, the Race Track in Kerepesi Street was the most modern and beautiful racecourse in Europe. A french investor will build a 3-story shopping center of 30.000 square meters in its place. During its 71 years, the Race Track saw several booms and went through many difficulties. Its fate was sealed in 1989, when the sudden spread of other types of gambling led to a decrease in visitors, and horce racing could not keep abreast of the times. Hungary is the only country when horce racing is not profitable." More at Tamás Dezso Photographer.
Carola Vogt and Peter Boerboom: Landscapes
Carola Vogt and Peter Boerboom: Landscapes at Galerie Priska Pasquer. "...Um Marken der Zivilisation, die sich in die Natur >vorschieben<, geht es in den Fotografien von Carola Vogt und Peter Boerboom. Sie schildern Orte, an denen die >schöne Landschaft< mit anonymen, oft unerklärlichen architektonischen Versatzstücken verwoben ist. Mit ihrer Arbeit bewegen sich Vogt und Boerboom in einem Zwischenraum, der die Landschaft weder romantisch verklärt erscheinen lässt, noch verfolgen sie einen üblichen kulturkritischen Ansatz." (de)
Kasia Krynska Kalua
Works by Kasia Krynska Kalua. Photography and more by Kasia Krynska Kalua of Warsaw, Poland.
Feathers and Cash
Word has it Charlie Feathers' Defrost Your Heart (1956, Sun 231) will be featured in Walk The Line, the Johnny Cash bio-pic covering Cash's career from his start at Sun Records in the 50's to his marriage to June Carter in the late 60's. We're wondering if the film will show... JC breaking all the footlights on-stage at the Grand Ole Opry. JC burning down a good portion of the Los Padres National Forest in California. JC sharing a Nashville apartment with Waylon Jennings (a recipe for trouble). JC going into a cave to die. JC hanging out with Pop and Maybelle Carter. Etc.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Green Bay Packers' Glory Years

The Jerms Story
The Jerms Story, by Jake (aka Tom) Jacoby. "...It was 1963 in Topeka Kansas. Four guys who went to Highland Park High decided to put a band together. Galen Senogles (guitar), Larry Burton (guitar), Mike Doyle (drums) and myself on bass. We played parties and some bar gigs and started to make some money. Galen had an uncle who was a commercial artist for a major magazine. He put together some art work and the little guy who was the 'Jerm' was born. He also did some caricatures of us later on. He was very instrumental in the continuity of ads and posters." From Kansas Musical Artists.
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Green Door
The Jerms... Green Door (RealAudio 02:57) and The Peter Pan Players... Chip The Chimpanzee (RealAudio 02:04). From the album Andy & Pat's Groovy Cosmic Love Hour Record Collection - Funky 45's at Big Beef.
Norbert Briar
Norbert Briar... Indoors #11: Sue Ann and Hillary With Still Life (2004-2005, color prints). From Norbert Briar: The Indoors Series at Aeroplastics Contemporary. "...In the Indoors series, two or more young ladies are depicted in relation to each other and, likewise, the elements of their surroundings. They are portrayed hanging out, passing the time, applying make-up to themselves and each other, sipping bottled water, stacking or unstacking art publications, inflating balloons, watching videos, and generally assuming leisurely or indolent postures within a simple, contemporary, residential setting."
The BLAB! Show
The BLAB! Show - presented by CoproNason Gallery, opening on September 24, 2005 at Track 16 Gallery in Santa Monica, CA.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Mój Nikifor

Thursday, September 08, 2005
Freeman and Amano

Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Johnny Tillotson sings in Japanese!
Johnny Tillotson had a huge hit with Poetry In Motion (RealAudio 02:31). We prefer his Japanese hits Bara ga Saita (RealAudio 02:28) and You and Me (RealAudio 02:35). Crazy!
The Art of the Archive: Photographs from the Los Angeles Police Department

Remigijus Treigys... Daiktai (Sofa, 1994, tonuotas sidabro bromidinis atspaudas ant popieriaus). From Photographs by Remigijus Treigys at Arteria. (lt)
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Paintings by Charles Munch

Thursday, September 01, 2005
Charlie Feathers: The King of Rockabilly
Charlie Feathers: The King of Rockabilly. Yes! Wanda Feathers' new site in honor of her father.
Premonitions Following an Evil Deed