Friday, March 31, 2006
John Hirsch Photographs. "...selections from Hirsch’s ongoing series focusing on two kinds of transitory communities: RV parks and ice fishing. Shot using a large format 8x10 camera, his sensitive black and white portraits show quiet moments in these emergent, ever-changing societies."
CJ Heyliger Photography
CJ Heyliger Photography. "...These vacant buildings, many of which have been empty since the companies last shut their doors, are presently in a state of transition. After sitting empty for so many years there has been an interest by developers and city planners in giving these buildings a new life in their modern cities. Some are renovated into loft spaces or galleries, others are demolished in order to make way for new businesses and others are still awaiting their destiny. My goal is to document this period of transition as these structures are given new roles in the modern economy."
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Vinyl Sniffers
Sebastian of PCL LinkDump asked me (and a bunch of others) to sniff a favourite record and write about it. Read the responses from the Vinyl Sniffers.
Big Beat Badger Blowout
Don't miss the fourth annual edition of "Big Beat Badger Blowout" currently available in the Audio Archives at Radio Rumpus Room. "...For the fourth time RRR went WISCONS-INSANE as we showcased the primal rockin' sounds of the Badger State during from the late '50s to the late '60s. It was a headfirst dive into a bottomless cheddar vat of rarely heard sounds from our Midwest neighbor. From famed Cuca label rockabilly to the dawn of psychedelia in Milwaukee, Rhinelander and the Fox River Valley, you know Radio Rumpus Room was rockin' till the cows came home in Full Spectrum Schnapp-O-Phonic Sound!"
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
The Adventures of Zatoichi
Original theatrical trailer for The Adventures of Zatoichi (1964, Toho Pictures, .wmv video 02:18).
The Tale of Zatoichi: The Blind Swordsman Series
Images Journal... The Tale of Zatoichi: The Blind Swordsman Series. "...Although the sword-wielding exploits of the amoral, sardonic anti-hero, played by the great Toshiro Mifune, from Yojimbo (1961) may be more familiar to Western audiences, the blind bulldog-looking assassin/masseur Zatoichi, who can strike down an opponent with his trusty shikomi-zue (cane sword), using hearing alone to find his target, is by far the most popular Japanese movie hero ever. Beginning in 1962 with The Tale of Zatoichi (a.k.a. Zatoichi Story and Zatoichi: The Life and Opinions of Masseur Ichi among other titles), the stoic yet violent swordsman starred in 25 films in just 11 years."
Postcard Diaries 2006

Monday, March 27, 2006
First Yank Into Tokyo
"...The face of a hero... Transformed into the face of a beast." Original trailer for First Yank Into Tokyo (1945, RKO Radio Pictures, Inc., .wmv video 02:14). "...An army pilot (Tom Neal) undergoes plastic surgery to infiltrate the Japanese during World War II."
Chinga Tu Madre
Cholita... Chinga Tu Madre (.mp3 audio 02:26). From Cholita! - The Female Menudo. "... Graciela Grejalva, lead singer of the Latina musical sensation known as Cholita!, is not your average thirteen and a half year old. She's over six feet tall and has brilliant orange hair ('I tried to bleach it,' she confesses). But then Cholita! is not exactly a group made up of typical girls." Part of the official website of Alice Bag.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
RIP: Buck Owens
Corky Jones... Label Shot of Hot Dog (.mp3 audio clip 00:34) b/w Rhythm And Booze (1956, Pep 107). Corky Jones' real name was Alvis Edgar Owens Jr. - born in 1929 in Sherman, Texas. RIP: Buck Owens.
Friday, March 24, 2006
A.K.A. Houdini
Harry Houdini Straightjacket Escape (QuickTime Video). "...A patient in a Canadian insane asylum inspired Houdini's straightjacket escape. Houdini knew the violent thrashing and twisting required to free himself from a straightjacket presented a frightening scene that the public wanted to see. He took the escape outside and attracted crowds as large as 80,000. People packed the streets to see him escape as he hung upside down from the top of a tall building. The struggle almost always made the evening newspaper." From A.K.A. Houdini. ...Harry Houdini was born on this day in 1874 in Budapest, though he later claimed to have been born on April 6, 1874, in Appleton, Wisconsin.
Celebrating the American West: 19th Century Mammoth Plate Photographs
Celebrating the American West: 19th Century Mammoth Plate Photographs. " exhibition of 19th century American, mammoth plate photographs by Carleton Watkins (1829-1916), William Henry Jackson (1843-1942), and Frank Jay Haynes (1853-1921). This exhibition offers a rare opportunity to view so many objects of distinction together in a gallery setting."
mozART, bARTók And the thiRd secTor
Mieko Shiomi... Yoshimasa Wada (d, dis, a, ais, h, his - sound installation, .mp3 audio 00:53). From Fluxus Suite - A musical Dictionary of 80 people around FLUXUS. "...For each person, I used only the pitches available from the letter spelling his / her name. If an s, e+s or i+s was included in the name, b or # would be added to certain notes. For instance, Giuseppe Chiari gets eleven pitches, c, cis (c#), es (e b ), e, eis (e#), ges (g b ), g, as (a b ), a, ais (a#) and h." Part of the program mozART, bARTók And the thiRd secTor - Celebrating Mozart and Bartók in the programs of the Budapesti Spring Festival and Artpool Art Research Center.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Transportation Futuristics; Visionary Designs in Transportation Engineering
Early 1940s Milwaukee Machine Tools Ad proclaiming that air-conditioning will be available for automobiles after the war. From Transportation Futuristics; Visionary Designs in Transportation Engineering. "...What is 'Transportation futuristics'? Many of us are familiar with covers from Popular Science that depict commuters buzzing around in tiny aircraft and landing on rooftops, or fanciful drawings of vehicles that run on roads, float on water and also take to the air. The basic problem many of us face each day - how to get from Point A to Point B in the least amount of time with the least amount of trouble - has inspired many to dream of marvelous ways to solve that problem."
Ouattara Watts: Works on Paper

Happy Birthday Upsetter
Radio Scratch... Happy Birthday Upsetter (.mp3 audio 1:03:52). "...March 20 2006 is Lee Perry's 70th birthday and so the premiere edition of Radio Scratch is a special birthday tribute to the Upsetter: an eclectic range of artists covering some of Scratch's best known productions. Featuring music from The Clash, The Specials, Luciano, The Fall, Asian Dub Foundation and more." From Eternal Thunder. Thank you, DMc.
Friday, March 17, 2006
A Witches' Brew of Fact, Fiction and Spectacle

Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Stereotypes and Admonitions
Roger Shimomura... The Gook (2003, Acrylic on canvas). "...One Saturday afternoon in the summer of 1976, Roger visited Seattle's tourist-filled Pike Place Market. While walking along the crowded stalls, Roger noticed that walking in front of him was a tattooed Caucasian male with long hair, wearing a leather headband, cutoff jeans and no shirt. The man appeared to be in a highly agitated state and was walking in an exaggerated fashion while swearing profusely. As Roger began to pass him, the man yelled at Roger, 'Hey Gook, I killed your fuckin' brother in 'Nam. I killed your mother and father, too!' Then for at least 30 more feet the man walked beside Roger, screaming about having 'killed hundreds of VCs and Chinks just like you!'" From Stereotypes and Admonitions, a 2003 exhibition of works by Roger Shimomura at Greg Kucera Gallery in Seattle, WA.
Puppets by Andrej Štular
Puppets by Andrej Štular of Kranj, Slovenia. Also paintings, sculpture, comics, film, video, photography, and more.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Picturing the Cayuse, Walla Walla, and Umatilla Tribes
Major Lee Moorhouse... Picturing the Cayuse, Walla Walla, and Umatilla Tribes. "...Major Lee Moorhouse of Pendleton, Oregon was an Indian Agent for the Umatilla Indian Reservation and a photographer. From 1888 to 1916 he produced over 9,000 images which document urban, rural, and Native American life in the Columbia Basin, and particularly Umatilla County, Oregon. So extensive and revealing are Moorhouse's images that his collection is one of the preeminent social history collections for Oregon. Special Collections & University Archives of the University of Oregon Libraries has a collection of 7000 images by Major Moorhouse."
The Kriegsmann Files
Monday, March 13, 2006
Saturday, March 11, 2006
CB Argument, Jan. 6th, 1971
CB Argument, Jan. 6th, 1971 (.wma audio 13:21). "...It's January 6th 1971, location Milwaukee Wisconsin, the recording is a great history lesson, the times were turbulent to say the least. Tempers flare, the topic being the war in Vietnam, the language used is foul at times and there are a couple racial slurs, so you have been warned. Of course there are also many side comments as word spreads of the turmoil on the channel. From Vintage CB Recordings at RetroCom.
Friday, March 10, 2006
Thursday, March 09, 2006
hinahgift013 - Tribute To The Anthology Of American Folk Music By Harry Smith
The Tami Show... The House Carpenter (.mp3 audio 04:48) and Anamude... Pet and Awl (.mp3 audio 04:32). From hinahgift013 - Tribute To The Anthology Of American Folk Music By Harry Smith. Covers of the Folkways classic by Anamude, Matt Bauer, Dave DeCastro, Everything is Fine, Half Asleep, Kenyon, Marc Manning, oRSo, Pollyanna, Charlie Parr, Sandusky, and The Tami Show.
Six Post-War Japanese Photographers, A Survey: 1960–1980
Nobuyoshi Araki... Untitled (1994-1999, gelatin silver print). From Six Post-War Japanese Photographers, A Survey: 1960–1980 at Stephen Wirtz Gallery. Photographs by Nobuyoshi Araki, Masahisa Fukase, Eikoh Hosoe, Daido Moriyama, Issei Suda, and Shomei Tomatsu.
Long March Capital
Liu Liping... Bathroom (1989, Oil on canvas). From the exhibition Long March Capital at Long March Space A, 798 Art District, Jiuxianqiao Rd #4, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China.
Jorge Uzon: Guatemala 1996-2000
Jorge Uzon: Guatemala 1996-2000. "...These are recent crimes. You can still see fear in these faces. It’s hard to believe that the genocide in Guatemala happened just over 20 years ago. There are almost no photos of it. Guatemala’s tragedy doesn’t have the place it merits in the history of infamy perhaps for this reason: there are no photos. Or there aren’t many, if we take into account the images James Natchwey, Jean-Marie Simon or Alon Reininger, along with a few others, made of Guatemala in the 1970s and 1980s. In any case, what was happening in Guatemala at that time faded into the background of the story of the triumph and eventual electoral defeat of the Sandinista regime in Nicaragua, or the war in El Salvador."
Kuzai Heart You Girl
The Sneaks... Kuzai Heart You Girl (QuickTime Video). Much fun from New Zealand's The Sneaks.
War Models

Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Dickey Chapelle
Dickey Chapelle with Bullets (unknown photographer/date). From Dickey Chapelle at the Wisconsin Historical Society. "...Dickey Chapelle was born Georgette Meyer in Shorewood, Wisconsin. Chapelle covered the Second World War in Iwo Jima and Okinawa and became known for her coverage of major wars for Life, Look, and National Geographic. In 1965, while covering the Vietnam conflict, Chapelle was killed by a landmine. She was the first female correspondent killed in action."
Grace Gordon-Collins: Beyond the Obvious

Monday, March 06, 2006
Swiss Folks
Taiyo Onorato & Nico Krebs... Moment of Truth, Part 2 (2205). From the exhibition Swiss Folks at Galerie Edward Mitterrand.
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Democratic Visages: The Tintype and America
Democratic Visages: The Tintype and America. "...The photograph on iron plate, commonly called the tintype, was the cheapest, easiest, most permanent, and most popular method of capturing a portrait during four of America’s most tempestuous decades. It was invented in 1854, popularized by the Presidential election of 1860, and spread by the Civil War. The tintype was the first medium of mass portraiture. Never before had so many people, people of all classes, commissioned a portrait in any medium. Before the tintype only a mirror could show how us how we looked. Before the tintype we had no pictures of our mothers or daughters and they had none of us; no beloved person was kept in wallet or album or frame. It was the tintype that first brought vivid self-representation into the home of the average American."
Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz (1885–1939): Drawings from the 1930s

Sky Above and Earth Below: Tibetan Landscapes and Thangka Paintings
Sky Above and Earth Below: Tibetan Landscapes and Thangka Paintings by Karma Tsering Lama, Nima Gyamcho Lama & Binod Moktan. "...Though they live today in Nepal and the United States, these three artists work in a Tibetan painting tradition which stretches back over a thousand years. The earliest extant thangka paintings date to ninth century Tibet. Meaning literally 'rolled art,' the thangka is a Buddhist scroll painting used for a variety of spiritual, didactic or social purposes. They might be commissioned to teach the young, to help heal the sick, to aid the dead in their reincarnation, or more commonly as a focus of meditation by the faithful. Subjects might be the Buddha or numerous other deities, great teachers, or ornate mandalas - geometric diagrams of the cosmos."
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Itchy Itchy Hay Hay
Georgia & August Greenberg... Itchy Itchy Hay Hay (.mp3 audio 01:38). From the album Georgia & August Greenberg - Sing Songs for You and Me!. "...Georgia Riederer Greenberg and August Riederer Greenberg are brother and sister and both live in the windy city of Chicago, IL with their mother and father. Georgia is six years old while her little brother August is four. When they are not singing their hearts out they can both be found playing with clay, drawing pictures, and eating lunch. These songs were recorded over the past three years (2001 thru 2003)."
Friday, March 03, 2006
The Bagpipe Iconography Page

Now That You've Gone
Delta 5... Now That You've Gone (.mp3 audio 04:13). From the album Singles & Sessions 1979-81 at Kill Rock Stars.
Lamar Peterson
Lamar Peterson... Personal Jesus (2005, Acrylic and gouache on paper). From Works by Lamar Peterson at Richard Heller Gallery.
A Dozen Portraits of Pétroleuses

Thursday, March 02, 2006
The Dead Brothers: Death Is Not Enough
Trailer for 'The Dead Brothers: Death Is Not Enough' (.wmv Video | QuickTime Video) - an M.A. Littler Film.
Illustrations by Paul Dominique Philippoteaux
Illustrations by Paul Dominique Philippoteaux for Jules Verne's Hector Servadac (Hector Servadac, voyages et aventures à travers le monde solaire, 16 November 1877: eleventh double volume). From The Illustrated Jules Verne - The Original Illustrations of the Voyages Extraordinaires. Paul Dominique Philippoteaux is better known for painting The Battle of Gettysburg Cyclorama in 1884.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
I Can't Get Enough
The Dead Brothers... I Can't Get Enough (.mp3 audio 02:33). From The Dead Brothers. "... a Psycho Slavic Country & Eastern funeral band."
The Brick Testament
Massacre of Jericho (Joshua 6:1-7:1 with 28 illustrations). "...Then Joshua told the army, 'The city and eveyone in it must be offered to Yahweh under the curse of destruction. Only spare Rahab the prostitute and those in her house.'" From The Brick Testament - An illustrated Bible presented by The Rev. Brendan Powell Smith.
Picturing Madison: Winifred Ford's Watercolors