Remembering Madison: The Lloyd Jones Family Album at the WHS. "...From about July 1911 until August 1919 the Richard and Georgia Lloyd Jones family lived in Madison, Wisconsin. During their time in Madison, Richard (1873-1963) and Georgia (1875-1967) took photographs of their three children, their two homes (941 Harvey Terrace and the exterior and interior of 1010 Walker Court, now Rutledge Court, on the north shore of Lake Monona) as well as their neighbors, relatives and one prominent out of town visitor — Booker T. Washington when he lectured in Madison. They recorded family excursions in their automobile to the Henry Vilas Zoo, the University of Wisconsin campus, the State Fish Hatchery, Tenney Park, Brittingham Park on Monona Bay, the Yahara River and its chain of lakes, and possibly the first airplanes to land in Madison. The primary photographer, probably Richard Lloyd Jones, documented the city's railroad lines and stations, public and private buildings, homes, street scenes and winter scenes. When the family moved to Tulsa Oklahoma in 1919, they drove by way of Janesville and Chicago, taking photographs along the way."