Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Rose Cheong... Guitar Man (.mp3 audio 02:30). From mod-ified music. Don't forget Duane Eddy & The Rebelettes doing 'Dance With The Guitar Man' previously posted Here.
The Ice Cream Show
The Ice Cream Show at Galleri Loyal in Stockholm, Sweden. "...What Louis Armstrong called 'Chop Suey' and later Frank Zappa called 'Lumpy Gravy' is similar to what LOYAL presents here with 'The Ice Cream Show'. An improvisatory state of slinging the hash and shredding it. 'The Ice Cream Show' deals with artists that set up wet propositions. Art made this way looks as though it was subject to heavy weather conditions or under intense pull of gravity of the given slop. Many times the trophies from this place are the burp of a primordial soup still dressed with the after birth, raw to say the least."
Seven Pieces for Black and White Cinema
Otar Iosseliani... Seven Pieces for Black and White Cinema (1983, Flash Video). "'...Before we start work on the film 'Les Favoris de la Lune', I tried to capture on film my first impressions of the city and the people who inhabit it. This etude of Paris, slightly shortened, was shown on television.' Otar Iosseliani is a Georgian-French film maker. Due to censorship, his films were repeatedly banned in the USSR, inducing Ioseliani to migrate to France in 1982."
Monday, April 28, 2008
The Trojan Story
The Slickers... Nana (1968, 02:20). From The Trojan Story at Dinosaur Gardens. YEAH!
The Natives Are Restless
Don Tiki... The Natives Are Restless (.mp3 audio 05:11). From the album Skinny Dip With Don Tiki (2001, Taboo Records TAB 8889).
Panic Button and Point Panic
The Champs... Panic Button (aka "Suicide" 1961, Challenge 9116 .mp3 audio 02:12) and... The Surfaris... Point Panic (1963, Decca 31538 .mp3 audio 02:18). From Probe is Turning-on the People!
D. Gibson Byrd: Five Decades In an Artist's Life
D. Gibson Byrd: Five Decades In an Artist's Life at Dean Jensen Gallery in Milwaukee, WI. "...D. Gibson Byrd (1923-2002): Five Decades In a Painter’s Life is intended as mini-retrospective of one of Wisconsin’s most revered artists and art teachers of the second half of the 20th century. The exhibition not only includes landscapes from his late years, but also works from earlier periods. Among them are the surrealist/realist paintings which brought him his first notice as a professional artist, portraits, and conceptions of a subject that figured prominently in his art and writing: the modest, possibly haunted Tulsa, Oklahoma house of his youth."
Tellus Audio Cassettes, 1983-1993
Y Pants... Magnetic Attraction (1980, Gail Vachon: ukulele; Barbara Ess: bass; Verge Piersol. drums, Vocals: all. .mp3 audio 03:11). From Audio By Visual Artists, Tellus 21. Part of Tellus Audio Cassettes, 1983-1993 at UBUWEB. "...UbuWeb is pleased to present the entire run of the legendary New York-based Tellus audio cassette magazine. Originally a subscription-based bimonthly publication, the series took full advantage of the popular cassette medium to promote cutting edge music, documenting the New York scene and advanced US composers of the time. Highlight issues include: All Guitars! (1985), The Sound of Radio (1985), Just Intonation (1986), Audio By Visual Artists (1988), The Voice of Paul Bowles (1989) and Flux Tellus (1990)."
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Australian Surrealism: The Agapitos/Wilson Collection
Joy Hester... Fun Fair (c.1946, watercolour and gouache). From the exhibition Australian Surrealism: The Agapitos/Wilson Collection at The National Gallery of Australia. "...The story of Surrealism in Australia has until recently remained largely unknown. It was only in 1993 with the National Gallery of Australia’s exhibition Surrealism: revolution by night that the extent of Surrealist practice in this country was revealed. That seminal exhibition led the Sydney collectors James Agapitos, OAM, and Ray Wilson, OAM, to focus their energies towards collecting Australian Surrealist art. Assembled with intellect and passion, their collection became the largest and most important repository of Australian Surrealist art in private hands."
Martin Miller: Weapons of Mass Destruction
Martin Miller: Weapons of Mass Destruction at Photo-eye Photographers Showcase.
Works by David Emmite
David Emmite... European Brown Hare (Lepus europaeus) (2006, color photograph, edition of 10). From Works by David Emmite at Augen Gallery in Portland, OR. More at David Emmite Photography.
The Lost Vanguard: Soviet Modernist Architecture, 1922-1932
Richard Pare... The Lost Vanguard: Soviet Modernist Architecture, 1922-1932 at Howard Schickler Fine Art.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Closing Time

New York Cool: Painting and Sculpture from the NYU Art Collection
New York Cool: Painting and Sculpture from the NYU Art Collection. "...New York Cool proposes a fresh vision of an eclectic time. Drawn from the New York University Art Collection - founded in 1958 and particularly rich in New York School works - the exhibition demonstrates how many downtown artists, living in the stimulating environments of Greenwich Village and, later, SoHo, fostered a new kind of personal sensibility in tandem with a seemingly impersonal geometric style. Allusive instead of expressive, understated rather than declarative, the painting and sculpture of this time set the stage for everything that followed."
Works by Kathryn Frund
Kathryn Frund... Small Reverence (mixed media, 6 x 6 inches). From Works by Kathryn Frund at Chase Gallery.
The Hyena & Other Men
Pieter Hugo... The Hyena & Other Men. "...These photographs came about after a friend emailed me an image taken on a cellphone through a car window in Lagos, Nigeria, which depicted a group of men walking down the street with a hyena in chains. A few days later I saw the image reproduced in a South African newspaper with the caption 'The Streets of Lagos'. Nigerian newspapers reported that these men were bank robbers, bodyguards, drug dealers, debt collectors. Myths surrounded them. The image captivated me." From Pieter Hugo Photography.
Pravoslav Rada, Šárka Radová & Joan Miró
Pravoslav Rada, Šárka Radová & Joan Miró at galerie art svìtlana a luboš jelínkovi. (cz) "...Výstava Pravoslava Rady, jeho dcery Šárky a Joana Miró vznikla jako projev obdivu k velkému českému umělci, který jako jeden z mála umělců v šedesátých letech tvořil na evropské úrovni, vychoval vynikající sochařku Šárku Radovou a zároveň se stal předním popularizátorem moderní keramiky v Čechách. Rada inspirovaný klasickou modernou a pracemi Picassa, Miróa a dalších malířů, kteří pracovali s keramikou, vytvořil originální dílo a stal se již za svého života klasikem. Výstava keramiků Pravoslava a Šárky je doplněna litografiemi Joana Miró, který byl jedním z inspiračních zdrojů jak Pravoslavu Radovi, tak celé jeho generaci."
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Hillbilly Wolf
Link Wray... Hillbilly Wolf (.mp3 audio 02:02). From the album Missing Links, Vol. 1: Hillbilly Wolf (1990. Norton ED/CED 210).
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Jessica Dimmock: The Ninth Floor
Jessica Dimmock: The Ninth Floor at Foley Gallery. "...Jessica Dimmock began photographing her series 'The Ninth Floor' after being approached by a New York City drug dealer several years ago. She was in the midst of completing her degree at the International Center of Photography for Documentary Photography and Photojournalism. She became interested in photographing the dealer and his daily deliveries. One such stop was the ninth-floor of an elegant apartment building in New York's Flatiron district. For the next two and a half years Dimmock settled in as a long-term observer to candidly record the consumptive and consumed lives of nearly thirty heroin addicts in their eroding, claustrophobic home." More Works by Jessica Dimmock at her personal site. Stunning!
Works by Andre Kertesz

Cecil McDonald Jr: Domestic Observations
Cecil McDonald Jr: Domestic Observations at Catherine Edelman Gallery in Chicago, IL. "...On first viewing, Cecil McDonald Jr's images of his two daughters, his wife and himself appear to be snapshots – everyday moments caught on film. But nothing could be further from the truth, as McDonald seeks to reinvent mundane events that occur at home. Like Tina Barney and Carrie Mae Weems, McDonald's seeks to examine his daily life by recreating situations that are both autobiographical yet universal. A young child dances to music as her sister prepares food in the kitchen; a father and daughter argue in the car; the ritual of braiding hair in the morning; a father stealing a quite moment in bed to read. All of these perceived truths are reenacted, allowing scenes of observed domesticity to be viewed as a visual object. Through these photographs, we question the reality presented and must decide, for ourselves, the truths these scenes portray."
Monday, April 21, 2008
The Masked Portrait

Bing Wright
Bing Wright... Solitary II (1996-2006, archival digital print). From The Rose Pictures by photographer Bing Wright.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Tacita Dean: Kodak
Tacita Dean... Kodak (2006) at UbuWeb Film and Video. "...After discovering that the Kodak factory in Chalon-sur-Saône, France, was closing its film production facility, Dean obtained permission to document the manufacture of film at the factory with the soon-to-be obsolete medium itself. The 44-minute-long work Kodak constitutes a meditative elegy for the approaching demise of a medium specific to Dean's own practice. Kodak's narrative follows the making of the celluloid as it runs through several miles of machinery. On the day of filming, the factory also ran a test through the system with brown paper, providing a rare opportunity to see the facilities fully illuminated, without the darkness needed to prevent exposure."
Michael Knutson: Astral And Prismatic Fields

Chris Ware: Recent Comic Strip Pages from The Acme Novelty Library Series
Chris Ware: Recent Comic Strip Pages from The Acme Novelty Library Series at Carl Hammer Gallery in Chicago, IL. "... Carl Hammer Gallery proudly welcomes the genius of Chris Ware back for another luminous solo appearance. This newest body of original work comes mainly from his two most recent publications The Acme Novelty Library #17 and #18. While most of the superlatives about the uncanny mastery Ware demonstrates in his story-telling art have already been said, new insights re his unique personal perspective on life culls a never-ending stream of new interpretation and understanding. He is the widely acknowledged giant within this burgeoning genre. Ware’s brilliance rests on his development of a language of simple graphics focusing on timelessly simple life experiences, transforming them into profound and understandable declarations concerning the human condition."
2008 Print Auction Exhibition
Catherine Cameron... Self Portrait IX (2006, Gelatin silver print). From the 2008 Print Auction Exhibition at The Houston Center for Photography.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Works by André Butzer

New Graphic Design in China
PingMag... New Graphic Design in China. "...With the Olympics in China approaching and current exhibitions about Chinese art, we are asking once again: what’s happening now in the country where, until a decade or two ago, graphic design and illustration were the preserve of the propagandists. And more importantly, where can we see the fresh, hot stuff that the kids are turning out? Until now, they post it mostly online on their blogs, under the radar for a lot of galleries. However, last year, we showed you the exciting new photography in China. Now the same publisher, 3030, has another work of love for you: New Graphic Design In China. For that, Hong Kong-based editor Javin Mo of Milkxhake has gathered thirty Chinese graphic designers around 30 years old for your typographic pleasure."
We Skate Hardcore
Vincent Cianni... We Skate Hardcore. Photographs by Vincent Cianni at VERVE Gallery of Photography. "...Documentary and fine art photographer Vincent Cianni was born in Scranton, PA, lived in Williamsburg, Brooklyn for fourteen years and now resides in Newburgh, NY. Cianni teaches photography at Parsons School of Design, NYC and the State University of New York, New Paltz. He has also conducted workshops at the Center for Documentary Studies (Durham, NC), France and Colombia. Cianni printed for Danny Lyon, was Associate Director of Gallery 292, Sarah Morthland Gallery, and a private dealer. He has worked as a freelance curator, book designer, and editor."
Monday, April 14, 2008
On Waking Dreams and Other Twilight Visions
On Waking Dreams and Other Twilight Visions - photographs by Susan Burnstine at Soulcatcher Studio. "...Susan's love for photography began at the age of eight when her mother gave her a vintage camera to play with. She was instantly hooked. While working as a professional photographer, Susan started shooting and modifying inexpensive, plastic toy cameras for fun. Within less than a year, Susan's work was exhibited in galleries, magazines and contests. In Spring 2005, she started building her own homemade cameras and lenses, primarily made out of plastic, vintage camera parts and random household objects. Burnstine currently has around twenty homemade cameras that she uses to create these dreamlike, metaphoric images. Most have cost her less than forty dollars in parts and a few have cost nothing since they were created from random, found parts or parts of toys she 'acquired' from unsuspecting children." More at Susan Burnstine Photography.
Alex Gross: Mysteries and Manners

Works by Katy Moran
Katy Moran... Shycat (2008, Acrylic on canvas). From Works by Katy Moran at Andrea Rosen Gallery in New York.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Spinnerei - from cotton to culture. "...As an historical factory the Leipziger Baumwollspinnerei had developed into the largest cotton-spinning mill on the European mainland in the years between 1884 and 1907. Encompassing approximately 12 hectares the area included - in addition to the factory itself - gardens, workers accommodation and a kindergarden. After the decline of cotton yarn production in the early 1990s, the factory was used for different purposes in the following years. The preserved basic structure of the buildings made it interesting for the revival with an alternative use. Especially the pure atmosphere attracted artists to work here. Those who today represent the famous New Leipzig School continued to value the studio spaces."
Will Turner: Fragile States
Will Turner... 8,9 2008 (Collage/papier). From the exhibition Will Turner: Fragile States at Galerie Guy Bärtschi in Geneva.
Peter Hujar: Second Avenue
Peter Hujar... Girl In My Hallway (1976, gelatin-silver print). From the exhibition Peter Hujar: Second Avenue at Matthew Marks Gallery in New York. "...Hujar’s home and studio was located at 189 Second Avenue at the corner of East 12th Street. He lived and worked there between 1970 and his death in 1987. Symbolically, the East Village loft represented for Hujar his movement away from the 'uptown' priorities of commercial photography—which he had been involved with since the early 1950s—and towards his own vision as an artist."
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Works by Mel Bochner
Mel Bochner... Blah, Blah, Blah (Maroon) (2008, oil on canvas). From Works by Mel Bochner at Peter Freeman, Inc.
Raskols of Papua New Guinea

Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Group Show
Luo Brothers... Welcome to the World Brand Name Series (2007, Resin Sculpture, No. 4/8). From the Group Show at Chinese Contemporary Art featuring works by Huang Yan, Li Li, Luo Brothers, Shi Guorui, Wu Junyong, Xue Song and Zhang Dali.
Spalding Gray: Monologues on Film
Not Coming To A Theater Near You... Spalding Gray: Monologues on Film by Teddy Blanks. "...Spalding Gray was a towering figure in 1980s avant-garde theater, a performer whose relationship with his own stage persona was so unique it spawned a new genre of playwriting. Somewhere between open-mic night and the confession booth, his personal monologues were full of diverse characters and themes, current events and political commentary, a perfect encapsulation of the hipster Boomer malaise. Was he self-centered? Grating? Narcissistic? Yes, sometimes, and definitely. But he was also hyper-aware of his persona, and he didn’t let you forget it. These qualities, far from making his work dull or pompous, are part of why you couldn’t take your eyes off him."
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Yummy Yummy Yummy
Rita Chao with The Surfers... Yummy Yummy Yummy (Singapore , EMI ECHK 609 .mp3 audio 02:26).
Blah Blah Blah America
FILE Magazine... Blah Blah Blah America by Aaron Santos. "...Blah Blah Blah America is a selection of work by photographer Aaron Santos that surveys life in America. To explain '...the reasons for the varied styles and subjects and the seemingly disjointedness of it all.'"
Jasper Johns – Black and White; Photographs of Paintings 1955–1969, by Rudy Burckhardt and others

Thomas Holton: The Lams Of Ludlow Street
Thomas Holton: The Lams Of Ludlow Street at Sasha Wolf Gallery. "...The Lams of Ludlow Street" is an investigation into the life of one Chinese family living in New York City's Chinatown neighborhood. Growing up in New York City I have watched most people regard Chinatown simply as a tourist attraction and a weekend destination for dim sum and cheap counterfeit goods. While I have never lived in Chinatown, my grandparents do, and I knew that Chinatown was more than the stereotypical images seen in travel brochures and postcards. Although I am half-Chinese and have spent a considerable amount of time in Chinatown, I never experienced a bond or connection to the neighborhood or the culture; I always felt I was a visitor. At the beginning of this project, I knew I wanted to get behind closed doors and photograph more than the stereotypical images of Chinatown's street scenes. I wanted to experience more of the daily life of Chinatown." More Works by Thomas Holton at his personal site.
Purpose 7
Purpose 7 (printemps / spring 2008) features Claude Cahun: Je est une autre - 35 photographs from the Jersey Heritage Trust Collection.
Monday, April 07, 2008
Blek Le Rat Interview
Fecal Face... Blek Le Rat Interview. "...Think back to the year 1981, some of us were still pissing ourselves, or not even born. Rick Springfield was singing Jesse's Girl, Blonde was rapping to Rapture, Regan was doing some acting in the White House and Blek Le Rat was painting the streets of Paris. Unknowingly becoming one of the first pioneer stencil artist of the modern street art movement. Often overlooked by more well known media savvy stencil artists, Blek Le Rat was clearly behind many of the styles we see in the streets today. Although much of Blek's early work was in the streets of Paris, It was not long before he was traveling the globe and leaving street pieces at every stop, and he still is today." via Coudal Partners.
Asa Ames: Occupation Sculpturing

Valdir Cruz: Ocaminho das águas - The Water's Way
Valdir Cruz: Ocaminho das águas - The Water's Way at Throckmorton Fine Art in New York. "...The images in the collection are from Paraná, Brazil, a crossroads of ecology and culture. Everything, though, depends on the life-giving force of water. And Paraná is rich in water, including the spectacular Iguacú Falls. Valdir captures the vitality and power of moving water, and the way it commands such a presence in the landscape of this corner of Brazil. The photographs document a treasured eco-system, one that needs to be protected."
Fred Herzog: Vancouver Color
Fred Herzog: Vancouver Color at Laurence Miller Gallery. "... Herzog immigrated to Canada from Germany following World War II. While employed as a medical photographer in Vancouver, his passion for photography took him on evenings and weekends to the streets to document daily life. It was there he captured the subtle human gestures of everyday people, savoring every moment in perfect light. The unique public space that he so carefully cataloged with glimmering lights and psychedelic neon has since been replaced by big-name retailers and cookie-cutter storefronts."
Philip Jones Griffiths in Memorium
Philip Jones Griffiths in Memorium (Digital Journalist, April 2008).
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Kiss Me Sweet
Johnny Garner... Kiss Me Sweet (1958, Imperial X5536 .mp3 audio 02:20). Written by Johnny and Dorsey Burnette.
Megalopolis Shanghai

Land 250: Polaroid Photographs by Patti Smith
Lens Culture... Land 250: Polaroid Photographs by Patti Smith. "...Patti Smith — visionary poet punk singer songwriter activist artist — has created a rich multi-layered installation at Fondation Cartier in Paris that reflects 40 years of her more personal visual art-making and creative expression. Drawn from pieces created between 1967 and 2007, the exhibition includes sketches, collages, films, audio installations, cherished objects, handwritten and typed poetry, drafts of song lyrics, and — at the center of it all — a lot of black-and-white Polaroid photographs."
Blinky the Friendly Hen 30th Anniversary Exhibition
Jeffrey Vallance... Blinky the Friendly Hen 30th Anniversary Exhibition at Track 16 Gallery in Santa Monica, CA.
Works by Yumiko Kayukawa
Works by Yumiko Kayukawa, April 4 - April 27, 2008 at La Luz de Jesus Gallery. "...Yumiko Kayukawa hails from Sapporo, Japan and has already made a name for herself early in her career for her candy-bright pop paintings of hip young women, animals, and traditional Japanese motifs. Using acrylic and ink, Kayukawa blends fashion illustration, sharp iconic graphics, and meticulously rendered flora and fauna to create images that evoke a dreamy and enigmatically erotic tone."
Duchamp, Man Ray, Picabia: The Moment Art Changed Forever
Duchamp, Man Ray, Picabia: The Moment Art Changed Forever at the Tate Modern. "...Marcel Duchamp, Man Ray and Francis Picabia were at the cutting edge of art in the first half of the twentieth century, and made a lasting impression on modern and contemporary art. Duchamp invented the concept of the 'readymade': presenting an everyday object as an artwork, Man Ray pioneered avant-garde photographic and film techniques and Picabia’s use of kitsch, popular or low-brow imagery in his paintings undermined artistic conventions."
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Neorealismo: Postwar Photography in Italy

New Works by Lamar Peterson
Lamar Peterson... Nude Series #1 (2008, acrylic and collage on vintage magazine page). From an exhibition of New Works by Lamar Peterson at Richard Heller Gallery in Santa Monica, CA.
August Sander: People of the 20th Century
August Sander... Middle-class Children (1925, Gelatin Silver Print, 20" x 24"). From the exhibition August Sander: People of the 20th Century at Weinstein Gallery in Minneapolis, MN. "...Sander’s acclaimed project People of the 20th Century, which he began in the early 1920s, was a series of portraits that aimed to exhaustively document German society. He photographed subjects from all ranks of society, pauper to politician, in an observational and detached style, realizing his professed aim 'to see things as they are and not as they should or could be.' After his death in 1964, the work begun by August Sander was taken up by his son, Gunther, and today is carried on by his grandson, Gerhard. This exhibition features 23 special large format images printed from the original negatives, following the vision and standards set by August Sander."
Folk Pop

Then & Now - Eight South African Photographers
Then & Now - Eight South African Photographers at the Duke University Library. "...An exhibition of 160 photographs mounted in 5 venues at Duke University. South African photographer Paul Weinberg conceived and curated Then & Now which is comprised of black and white and color photographs from 8 South African documentary photographers. Twenty photographs were selected from each photographer, 10 made under apartheid and 10 photographs made after the historic democratic elections of 1994."