Ilona Granet...
Are You Mice or Men? (From the Series, "Emily Post, Updated & Extended," 1989, Silkscreen on metal, ed. 3/55) and Felipe Jesus Consalvos...
Arsenic Complexion Wafers (c. 1920-50, Mixed media collage on paper). From the exhibition
Text Messages at Adam Baumgold Gallery. "...The exhibition will include paintings, drawings and sculpture by 34 artists for whom words or text is a significant element in their work. The artists included in 'Text Messages' are: Ed Ruscha, Robin Tewes, Saul Steinberg, Adam Dant, Chris Ware, Alexandra Grant, Joe Brainard, Lawrence Weiner, Scott Teplin, Marc Bell, Annabel Daou, Jacob El Hanani, Vivienne Koorland, Jules Feiffer, Martin Wilner, Jane Laudi, Aline Kominsky Crumb, Jules De Balincourt, Robert Crumb, Joe Amrhein, Lee Etheredge IV, Bette Blank, Daniel Johnston, James Castle, Felipe Jesus Consalvos, Robbin Ami Silverberg, Adriane Herman, Anthony Campuzano, Alice Attie, Jenny Holzer, Ben Vautier, Arman and Alyssa Pheobus."